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It’s too cold for this sh!t!

With a frantic kick the cold came rushing in, I sat bolt upright, cursing the gods once I realized what I had done. I’d been told I was a busy sleeper before, but I wouldn’t have imagined that I would have kicked out my window pane on my first night in Aya. Refusing to get out of my now warmish sleeping bag, I proceeded to sack race about the Tukaya attempting to get the pane back in, further cursing in the process that I had chosen the frikkin coldest night of the year to move in for my trial run. It was just not an option to leave it out, I could feel the cold wind slowly tearing every bit of warmth outta me. In no time I was back in bed and hoping the windows and I would make it to the morning, them intact and me alive.

A while has passed since my last post, I hadn't given up, life just got in the way of posting but I have realised that time waits for nobody and I dedicate this renewed sense of adventure to two very special humans that sadly departed over the last year. Simon and Elmar this is for you legends.

The house I'm staying in is undergoing renovations and this gives me a great chance to see what works and what doesn't. I'm enjoying it immensely, its like my all my childhood cardboard box and fort fantasies have come true. I won't lie, I was pretty apprehensive initially after the freezing start but now I am getting into it.

Build Update

I'll keep it snappy, some of them were supposed to be a whole post but let's get up to speed.

Got the roof on. Talk about over designing. The previous two were a total flop, the insulated panel way too heavy and the other was way to flimsy, but glad they failed as I am happier with the final version. Stick to what you know works in this case. Managed to use all my off-cuts to do the roof insulation so very little was left for waste.

Final Flip-up Roof Design

The beauty of downsizing is all the stuff you find that can be repurposed into new things. Curtain fabric I had brought for my room that had been sitting in my cupboard for years because I changed the color scheme, turned out to be just the right colour for what I had in mind. Having no clue how to use a sewing machine I had been dropping serious hints for help with them. And... no hints were taken, moving on, I was lucky to magically discover hem tape, my whole curtain world was a lie... needle, thread, machines, ain't nobody got time for that! Voila, we have curtains made with wood offcuts, a staple gun, tent clips, hem tape and an iron. So impressed with end result as I was not keen on conventional bulky curtains on drawstrings, Yuk!

Curtains done with hemtape that can be rolled up and clipped in place.

The kitchen drawer which I had been dreading, as I had no clue how to calculate the correct measurements, finally came together after a brief explanation from the guys at Timber city. So good to have the extra storage space for all the kitchen goodies. I'll ad some compartments once I've got all the things I need and have a better understanding of space requirements. Quickly found out a vent was needed for the thermo cooler fridge to operate.

Installed kitchen drawer

So excited that everything is finally coming together. Looking forward to the launch in November and an awesome 1 week trip planned for December around the Magaliesburg in Aya.

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